Parking in Hoboken will soon be a whole new ball game, according to The website reports this small, congested city has tight streets and limited parking options, but that’s going to change. City leaders are considering some measures to improve parking in Mile Square City.
Here are six changes on the table:
1. New parking meters
2. Higher penalties
3. Pay by phone option
4. Valet parking
5. Wayfinding system
6. New garages
I, too, live in a small town with tough parking, and I like all of these ideas, but I have my favorites. The latest increase in parking meter fees brought the cost up to $1.50 per hour. It’s not an extravagant amount by any means, and I’m not complaining about the total. It’s the number of quarters required to reach that amount that I object to. I think there should be a top limit to what you can charge without offering a credit card payment option. So, I think new meters are great, and I hope they are of the most intelligent kind.
Higher penalties is my other favorite. I don’t want to pay them, but I don’t want to pay any penalties, so I follow the rules. There are plenty of people who don’t, and I think it only fair that they pay a higher price for their behavior. Between the inconvenience they cause the rest of us and the price of enforcement, I say higher fees are completely reasonable.
I wish Hoboken all the best in its deliberations and eventual implementations.
Read the article here.