How was YOUR weekend?


How was YOUR weekend?

Everyone who says ‘hi’ on Monday asks that question. I thought about my weekend and at first blush, not so great.  No movie, no clubs, no great revelations, Nothing, Nada, Zip.

But as I reviewed the two days that end and begin weeks, I realized I got a lot done. Little things that I had put off and frankly had been bugging me for, in come cases, months.

There was a screw missing in the bracket that holds the sun visor in my car.  As long as I don’t move the visor, its fine.  But it ticks me off every time I look at it.  Its a tiny little screw. On Saturday, I searched the bottom of my tool box, found the screw and all is right with the world. I gave the car a congratulatory wash.  Washed the other car too, didn’t want it to be jealous.

The back gate latch has come out of the wood that holds it. 15 minutes and a power drill and we are in business.

I have put off cleaning and covering the BBQ for winter.  Its done.

That wonky sprinkler head in the front yard is fixed.

I had to gear up for it, but made a trip to Costco — all alone.  Completed the shopping list.

Walked to the hardware store, did 2000 additional steps (I have a fitbit)  and brought insecticide for the roses.  Maybe next weekend I’ll spray them.

I read two books and two short stories.

Watched four episodes of MASH.

Drank a little adult beverage and slept very well.

Wow — guess I had an active weekend after all.


Re: Fitbit — its a sort of watch you wear and it counts your steps. The goal is 10,000 each day. My regular day would get me about 5000 so I have to come up with places to walk in addition. I do about 8500 to 9000 and on some days, like when I go to Costco, I hit 10K. If you have friends who also have Fitbit you can connect with them on line and then its a challenge to see who does the best each day. I ran into a neighbor who was wearing one and he told me he averages 15,000.  He’s a contractor and gets a lot of mileage in on the job. Another friend will walk around the house before bedtime to reach a certain goal. It begins to shame you in to additional exercise.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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