I can get parking info on my cell phone, I just can’t look at it.


I can get parking info on my cell phone, I just can’t look at it.

Correspondent Mark points out that more and more technology is driving information to our cell phones. Fair Enough. But laws are being passed that will not allow us to use our cell phones in our cars. Interesting point.

I have a Blue Tooth interface in my car so I can talk on the phone ‘hands free.” This meets the requirement of the State of California. However if I want to check the screen on my smart phone to find traffic information or information on where to park (see this article) I can do so with impunity.

But that is most likely going to go away. Let’s face it texting and emailing and reading text messages and emails when driving is just as dangerous (if not more so) than talking on a cell phone held up to one’s ear. It’s only a short matter of time until our cells will be locked away during driving, thus removing the convenience of being able to find parking spaces that are vacant in our area.

The concept of knowing where a phone is (GPS) and then being able to direct a driver to available parking spaces is dramatic. Not only does it add to convenience, but it also stops cruising, lowers emissions, and makes the world a much better place.

Then that good old law of unintended consequences kicks in. Technology in one place provides great service, but it can’t be used in another because of dangers imposed.

As Mark says,,,

Just Saying.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. Yes,the whole world is till waiting for the birth of a good parking systemd which if implemented there will be no trouble to find an convenient and vacant parking slot!

  2. Then that good old law of unintended consequences kicks in. Technology in one place provides great service, but it can’t be used in another because of dangers imposed.

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