Pocahontas Girl sent me this link, and this one, and this one. I missed the battle of Portsmouth, NH and its kicking and screaming journey into the 21st century. Knowing some of the players involved, I can understand how tempers can flare and threats tossed around. We can only hope that cooler heads will prevail.
Here’s the deal. The city of Portsmouth decided to replace its parking meters with P and D machines. Granite State residents are slow to change and of course they got their dander up when test machines were installed. But they got used to them. And even liked them. So the City moms and pops decided to proceed with the purchase.
Then all heck broke loose. Local independent Yankees felt that the process was moving too fast and started attending city council meetings and asking questions, some hard questions. Like all good politicians, the local council decided to punt, and are holding more meetings to get all the questions out on the table.
I’m guessing much of this process already happened before the council voted to buy, but often these decisions go unnoticed by the populace at large, or sometimes, by the one person that is going to raise hell, or has a vested interest, or just too much time on their hands.
I hope PG keeps me up to date. The next meeting in Portsmouth should be a corker.
2 Responses
Perhaps you should talk to the reporter Adam Leech before you start showing all of your baises once again JVH. This was supposed to be a parking pilot instead it was a lay me down contract for one vendor. None of the local citizens like the local product according to the polled results. And the cost for the meters in a fifty cents per hour market is off the wall.
“And even liked them.” What is your source for this statement? And guessing is a poor substitute for research.