I Shake my Head…..


I Shake my Head…..


The City of Cincinnati is allowing all electric cars to park for free in city owned lots and on street. It is to prove the city’s commitment to being a “green” municipality.


There is just one problem. There are only eight all electric cars in the Cincinnati area.


Questions to ask the local city dads and moms could be something like:

  • Why do this if it will make no difference (less than one percent of the cars in the US are all electric?
  • Isn’t it unenforceable? In off street locations, couldn’t an attendant simply ring up an electric car when there was none, and pocket the money? On street, if an enforcement officer wanted to give a car a “pass” couldn’t they just ring them up as “electric?”
  • When the populace stops laughing at giving free parking to eight cars, won’t they begin to wonder at the sanity of the people who thought this all up?
  • Is it not the case that the carbon footprint, counting the manufacturing and disposal of the batteries and the charging required including the infrastructure, actually greater than a small gas powered vehicle?

You get the idea.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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