Just how many owners/operators feel they don’t need to audit once they have installed a high tech PARCS system.
How auditors are going to know just how many cars enter and leave a facility using a ticketless system
How many technology suppliers believe their system cannot be hacked?
How many parking organizations use “Big Data” to help them meet their customer’s needs?
How many EV Charging stations are blocked by cars left there after finishing their charging?
What percentage of parkers make a parking reservation?
What drivers do when the LPR doesn’t work?
How many garage managers know how to open an excel spread sheet?
How many monthly parkers park in the same unreserved spot every day?
Who was the guy who said parking cars is easy?
Why the LPR system in our building works on my car 95 times out of 100 when nothing changes?
Do you wonder about parking stuff? Let me know and I’ll update the list
2 Responses
I wonder if cameras in the garage eliminate the need to walk the decks occasionally to make sure all of the trash is picked up and nothing unusual is going on in the garage?
I wonder if parking managers still know how to manually calculate oversell, or know how to physically do an actual card audit?