Chicago has a new one line feature that helps you find parking. Its the parking map. Check it out at
This is the brain child of the Parking Industry Labor Management Council and its head Michael Prussian. Seems this nonprofit organization, originally formed by parking operators to negotiate with labor unions in the city, got the idea to do something to make parking easier for their patrons.
The map is a technical wonder. First, its free and has no ads. Second it is amazingly interactive. Third it really can help you find a parking space near your destination. (Its hooked up to mapquest) and fourth there are reports and data about parking in Chicago with more to come.
I am so proud and happy to see a local organization doing something like this. It helps everyone, and in particular goes a long way to help change the image of our industry.
All parking locations in the city can participate. There is no charge. All surface lots and garages are listed and if you want, as an operator, you can fill in data about your facility and then folks can call you for more information and help. No one is left out.
Sure it cost the local group a few bucks but boy is it worth it. Log on and be ready to be impressed.
There are other much more commercial maps around, but this one is by far the best I have seen.
Way to go Michael and the PILMC.