IPI Entry II


IPI Entry II

Its Monday morning and this is the big day at the IPI.  It still seems quiet.  The organizers are saying that this will be the big day.  I hope they are right.

Last night it was the Cruise with CEG and rubbing shoulders with parking bigwigs like the new head of Imperial, Herb Anderson, Cathy Duncan from Lexington, and a little wig, Dick Beebe, who came out of retirement to visit us here in Ft Laud.

There was also the Scheidt and Bachmann party at the Marriott last night as well as the Walker gambling do at the Hyatt. Lots going on — maybe that’s why the door weren’t broken down at the exhibit hall this AM, folks were recovering.

Lots of news on the floor — PT was accused of writing an article that caused consternation amongst some manufacturers. Turned out the article was in the Parking Professional.  I think its great when you get blamed for what the other guy does. It means you have arrived.

John Hammerschlag was by a few minutes ago — He’s selling his garage in Nashville. Contact him through is web site — Here’;

I failed to sink a putt in the Surtreat booth.  Sigh — nothing changes.

Jeff Sparrow is sporting a new title, that of national sales manager for Scheidt and Bachmann.  Larry Berman is holding forth at Paylock. He says they have a new product that will be released in the fall — something to do with AVI and on street permits. Patrick Moynihan and Cory Marchasin at Paylock are languishing in thier 1200 square foot booth complete with Porche.

I’m back — Robert Milner just stopped by with his boss, Terrance  Smith from the University of Maryland, Baltimore — Had a great discussion about multi use buildings — At the UM B the garages are built to be full from 10 to 2 three days a week — those are the the doctor’s office hours — and the rest of the time they are only about half full.

He’s trying to change the doctor’s office hours.  That’ll be the day.

Dick Beebe just walked into the booth, then left, Klaus Ginld came in complaining about the lack of news on PT about his new German company with no sales in North America,  We are getting very popular. Diana Perey showed up and is no handing out PT’s.

I’m back again — Kim Jackson just dropped off a hug. She really looks great…Auturo Garza just dropped by to ask my opinion about a vendor.  He got it.;

Gotta run -0- the Temecula Parking Group is meeting for lunch.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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