Check out our interview with the former Secretary of Transportation. Bet you didn’t know he was a Shoupista. I don’t know if he knows Don Shoup, but he certainly espouses his theories. Mineta’s biggest concerns? Congestion downtown and his solution relates directly to parking and its costs.
I know that the former Representative from California has been a lightening bolt for criticism on his policies dealing with profiling however he certainly is a nice guy, and very easy to interview. As with any politician, he never met a camera he didn’t like. You can see the interview by logging on to and clicking on the link under Virtual IPI.
About 500 IPIers saw the speech live. Here’s what the room looked like: (as usual, click on it to enlarge)
Then the band brought the group up to the exhibit hall and IPI Prez Dorothy Harris from Denver International cut the ribbon;
And the assembled masses entered the hall — plus a shameless plug for my team — Marcy, Pat and Andy and hangeron, Dennis Cunning. Somehow he seems to be in every picture
OK — Get everything on video — Log on to and see what its like at the IPI