It’s Mystery Parking Time again


It’s Mystery Parking Time again

Cities across the snow belt are letting their citizens know that effective on a certain date (usually December 1) overnight parking is banned on most streets. The reason – Snow. They ban on street overnight parking so the plows can get through and move the snow around. Fair enough. But here is my annual question for all you living where the white stuff piles up. Where do you put your cars?

See, during the warmer months, folks park on the streets and complain that there isn’t enough parking. Now when it snows the cars just up and disappear. Where do they go? And if they can go there in the winter, why not in the summer?

I usually get stories about folks who own two cars, one a beater that can take the snow and ice and salt and a good one to drive when the sun is warm. They exchange locations depending on the season. But that doesn’t answer my question. There is still a car floating around that has to be put somewhere.

My point is that if there is room enough for all the cars to park off street in the winter, why is there such a parking problem in the summer?

I’m waiting for the answer.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. I’m just dying to know that answer as well. There is always “no where to park” until they learn the car will be towed. Then, suddenly, they are able to find a spot.

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