Its getting pretty hot over at the Parking Discussion Center


Its getting pretty hot over at the Parking Discussion Center

Check out the PT Parking Discussion center here. Its not our goal to support or not support any product. However some of our readers are getting pretty vocal about certain revenue control systems.

I’m told that our discussion center is the most used general discussion center on the ‘net. There is one that gets some activity specializing in Universities. Its a list serve and has been doing a great job for those in that side of the business.

We try to be more general and get a few entries daily. I have been attempting to keep it clean (free of advertisements for pay pal and Russian ladies who want to marry rich Americans.) So I check it most every day.

Its fun to read what people are concerned about. Some of the non parking pros comments are hilarious.

Check it out


PS By the way, you manufacturers out there should read it too, might help you find out what people are saying about your products.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. The City of Summit is looking to upgrade its electronic chalking equipment for parking enforcement officers. I am looking for anyone who uses similar software that works through a PDA? Also pros and cons and purchasing prices of the software would also be very helpful.

  2. Hi Rita,
    I just noticed your posting. Here’s a summary:
    We make systems for drive-by electronic chalking. It uses cameras and machine vision to automate the chalking process. The driver proceeds at 20mph or so and activates the system to scan vehicles. The computer does the rest, alerts the driver as to likely infractions and presents before and after photos for evidence to the PEO whom make the final call whether to issue a citation (using your current hand held technology).
    Bill Franklin
    Tannery Creek Systems Inc.
    905 738 1406

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