WOW! It didn’t take long. Rex Link just called me a pointed out that there is an error in my article on Disabled parking in Los Angeles. I noted that handicapped parking is “Free” for those with handicapped tags both on and off street.
Of course this is incorrect. The free parking is required for only those parked “on street.” Off street lots and structures must provide handicapped spaces, but can charge for them.
This error, however, does not change the point of the article, that the “free” on street requirement will affect the value of leases when the City of Los Angeles goes out to lease it’s on street parking operation. Obviously, since the lessee can’t know how many ‘free’ spaces will be taken up at any given point in time, it is difficult to gauge income levels, and that of course will affect the overall bids.
Sorry bout that
One Response
Also…off street at a Cal-State campus, disabled motorists are required to pay for parking pursuant to Ed. Code 67301(A. Check with each campus to verify their policy.