Maryland and Parking Planning


Maryland and Parking Planning

Maryland has a new "Smart Growth: Best Parking Practices" The 42 page document can be found by following the link here.  I skimmed it — it was interesting, but as usual, took too much from the planners, and not enough from the Shoupistas.

I sent a copy to Don Shoup (he was quoted a couple of times in it) and asked his opinion. He came right back and said he was in Northern Ireland on Vacation, and would look at it when he got back but said that he read the first page and I don’t like to continue reading anything after I encounter "It is hoped that" on the first page.

I had to agree — even a quick skim told you that the regular planning forces were in full charge — with a bit of tweaking so it seems to fit all political and planning needs, and finding very little to say for just how to "fix" the problems of parking in Maryland

is a pretty document, however, and if you want to hang it on your wall, it might be good for that. I am probably being too hard. Check it out for yourself and see what you think.

However, before you read it, take a look at the web site list — see if you can find one that deals with parking…you know a professional parking company, or organization, or publication. None, nope, nada.

Oh yes, there is a long chapter on financing new construction. Bonds, taxes, all sorts of loans. But only a paragraph on having the parking pay for itself.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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