Missoula Lets Residents Try Out New Meters


Missoula Lets Residents Try Out New Meters

Every industry has its jargon. Some of it is easy to figure out, some of it is like an unbreakable code. I recently refinanced my mortgage and was, despite previous experience with the process, totally confounded by the words my agent kept using. Funding, subordinating, escrow – these are words whose absolute meaning, in the context of a loan, escape me. Call me stupid. They rattle off those words like I should know exactly what they’re talking about, and I just nod and sign papers.

The parking industry has its share of jargon. It also has an array of equipment that must seem so simple to its inventors and installers, but completely confuses everyone else – especially the first-time user. The leaders of Missoula, Montana want to take the guess work out of meter use for their residents. According to Missoulian.com, they’ve invited residents to a parking meter open house to try out different types of smart meters.

Three vendors will bring their single-space and multi-space meters and showcase the features of their hardware and software. The Parking Meter Open House will take place Tuesday, Feb. 24, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown, 200 S. Pattee St., in the Three Rivers Room.

The open house is part of a year-long series of meetings to help the city and it’s residents transition from outdated meters to the newest model. It sounds like a great idea to me. Those who attend will be able to fill out a questionnaire about their opinions of the various meters that the city will take into consideration as it selects equipment. Exposure is an excellent way to take the confusion out of industry offerings.

Read the article here.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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