Mobility is more than a Service; MaaS includes Smart Parking as well – PIE 2019


Mobility is more than a Service; MaaS includes Smart Parking as well – PIE 2019

One of the highlights of the Smart Parking Symposium being held as a part of the Parking Industry Expo 2019 this March in Chicago will be a presentation by senior policy advisor Jack Opiola on Mobility as a Service.

He will bring attendees up to date on how MaaS is affecting transportation not only in the US but also in cities around the world. He will contrast and compare MaaA activity in areas as varied as Atlanta, GA and the entire country of Portugal, and describe just how MaaS differs in Europe and in the US. He will describe how in car technologies will evolve to include Mobility and how MaaS is a ‘push pull’ evolution, involving opportunities, economic growth, productivity, user choice, demands & acceptance

Jack Opiola brings over three decades of experience as a project manager, expert consultant and senior policy advisor to local, state, national and international transportation agencies and private clients in the area of advanced technology for enhanced, integrated mobility with value added Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications.  

He is dedicated to transforming Highway/Motorway Transportation into a sustainable funding model through “user pays ” policy and road charging by distance combined with value added services, also called Mobility as a Service. It is a 50-50 proposition – 50% technology and 50% payment and pricing platforms to manage demand and provide a common account methodology to simplify our mobile lifestyle.  Jack sees the synergistic fit of CAV and ITS through Road Charging as the creation of a rational funding mechanism to sustain transport funding into the future as well as the technological applications to integrate seamless transport for mobility from A to B and beyond.

The Smart Parking Symposium brings PIE 2109 to a close. The half day event will be held Thursday March 14 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare. Log on to for more details and to register.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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