More enforcement Stupidity


More enforcement Stupidity

Here’s the gist A driver in the UK somewhere was given a citation for not having a P and D receipt on her dash. She knows she bought one, so she searches around and finally it’s discovered in the defroster vent – probably was blown there when she closed the door. She sends in an explanation along with the receipt which proves she actually paid her parking fee. Her claim was denied out of hand.

The letter she got was a form letter, as the private firm who handles citations in this part of the UK probably automatically reject any and all claims.

So she ends up on the front page of the local paper, form rejection in hand, and more wonderfully bad PR for parking. Is this industry stuck on stupid. I would expect exactly the same thing to happen in many cities here in the US. In fact I commented on one a couple of days ago. She is on fixed income, she paid the $100 fine because she said she just didn’t have the energy to fight it. (From the picture, she looked to me like she had plenty of energy, but frankly I understand her attitude. Sometimes its just too much to take on.) Of course the press made a heyday of the event. Parking is made to look unyielding and stupid, not without good reason, and again we go down in flames.

I would expect that the CEO of Premiere Parking Solutions, the company who wrote the citation and rejected the tickets goes to the pub in the evening with his friends in the industry and complains about how badly his enforcement staff is treated and over a warm been decries the scofflaws and rude populace his company must face every day.

Isn’t there someone out there with an ounce of common sense.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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