I took out after a MSM reporter in my snarky remarks below about an article that took only one side to a story about parking enforcement. I got this from the reporter:
I’m sorry that we never finished our conversation. My story for today veered quite a bit from where we were going, and the clock ran out on me.
Your blog contains valid arguments and I’m glad you’ve written them down. A commenter on my site just pasted most of the contents of your recent entry on my story in the comments area. I’m happy to have them there, as I feel it rounds out the story. But the words are yours, and if you feel the inclusion of what looks like the entirety of your entry violates your copyrights, let me know, and I will remove them or turn the commenter’s thought’s into an excerpt.
Thanks again for your time,
How wonderfully gracious. He may not be the most curious reporter but his parents did raise him well.
2 Responses
We are in the midst of a community conversation in Sarasota about paid parking. Does anyone know of anohter city who has implemented paid parking in the last 24 months?
Chris — contact me directly — I have an article that’s coming out in PT and PW next month that you might find interesting — JVH@parkingtoday.com