Nothing Slips by PT Readers


Nothing Slips by PT Readers

I have gotten a number of emails like this one from Wade at PTI in Seattle:

Great article in
Parking Today, August issue, page 26, titled Revenue Control.  It really does
bring to light what is in front of the parking team when it comes to
retrofitting garages! 
I couldn’t help
however, to put the training that PT The Auditor has given me to use
in your article.  The issue of proper controls and losses resulting from the
lack of using them correctly kept coming to mind as I noticed the gate
lids shown in the photo.  There they are, propped up next to the gate. I
wondered to myself, why they are unlocked and open and what could they possibly
be used for…………Those of us loyal readers know to look for those
signs and more………..Keep up the great work!

However the first person to notice the problem was PT the Auditor himself who called me 10 seconds after he opened his magazine and ribbed me about the "problem." I told him I would run the picture again if he wrote the copy. He did and the whole shebang is in September’s magazine, at the printer today.

Curious? Here’s the photo from August — see the problem.Revenue_control_1
Click on the photo to increase the size.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. Hard to keep a 100% tight system when the gate arm door is allowed to be left open….
    At least try to make it look locked by hooking the door and not locking it….This guy isn’t even trying!!!! LOL

  2. John, are you kidding, the center lane can be used in the morning to get in(the gate that’s up now) or out in the afternoon(look at the back of the booth) come on this one’s easy! JNM

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