The City of Harvey, a Chicago Suburb, has a new arena, its near the local commuter train station. There’s a 1300 car lot at the train station. The lot is used for arena parking — at a charge of $5 a head ($7 if you want a shuttle ride to the concert). So far so good. The problem is that no one, not the city, arena, police, or the train station itself knows who is charging and who get the money. Read about it here.
The intrepid reporters from the Chicago Tribune couldn’t run it to ground, except to determine that the shuttle is owned by a local police commander. He acknowledges that, but clammed up about enything else. By the way, the commander was fired in 2002 for misconduct and then rehired in 2003.
Anyone want to project how this is all going to come out? That is after everyone gets finished pointing the finger at everyone else. Obviously someone is getting the upwards of $5000 per concert for parking revenue.
Now, I wonder what that could be?