The biggest problem that this neighborhood in Chesterfield, MO, has is that the local church wants to have more parking. To get it, it will relocate a street, turn an existing street into a cul de sac, and landscape the lot so locals will have a nice view. Of course, the Local City Council calls the relationship between the church and its neighbors "Toxic".
Let’s see — First of all the church has bought some of the houses nearby (to be used for the parking area.) Second — they are going to make the street a cul de sac — most streets would kill for that. And third, they are a church, for crying out loud.
Their sin is that they are successful in the anti-sin business. They are growing. This is a good thing, people. OK, they may be a little noisy on Sunday AM and a couple of nights during the week when the basement is full of kids and moms eating cookies and learning to be good.
I can think of worse things. City Council did right in this case.