Off Airport Owners Sue New York Port Authority


Off Airport Owners Sue New York Port Authority

We have an article on about irate owners of off airport parking facilities entering into litigation against the owners of the three major airports in the New York area. Coincidentally to that, I received the following missif yesterday from one of them…Read on.


Interesting interview with Jeff Folland of the Parking Spot in the September Issue of Parking Today..  Not sure if he is very familiar with the off airport lots relationships at the NY area airports! They’re not so good.  A number of the off airport lots here are currently in the process of suing PANYNJ (Port Authority of New York and New Jersey).

While we met with PA people years ago to “discuss” an access fee, we were told by the head of the PA, former State Senator Bill Barone, to either pay up or we would be charged with trespass.  We would have our shuttles impounded and put out of business.  We “agreed” to pay as his threat seemed pretty official.  We had no choice.  They also require us to have higher than necessary insurance coverage’s which cost us more….

They would give us passes, stickers for all permitted vehicles.  The passes would make it possible for the PA to know who has paid and who has not. ( who knew that this really did not matter)

For their side, we would receive the following:

A phone in airport with direct contact to our offices

All transportation centers would have our info and be able to pass it along to travelers when needed.  Pick up areas etc..

We would have set signed places for drop off and pick up..

As of now, 6 or so years later, they have not done a thing.  To top it off, as new parking lots have popped up, and not contracted or paid the PA the access fee, the PA realized that they have no way to police these new facilities and NO WAY to make them pay. So these guys are free to come and go as they please while people with access passes are forced to charge higher prices to offset their fees. For my company, this has worked out close to a million dollars.

How’s THAT for partners??


Mike Moreland


Newark Airport Long Term Parking


Mike pretty much says it all. I will have more comments on this issue in upcoming issues of Parking Today.

Stay tuned


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. 10% of gross revenue is industry standard for off airport operators. The Authority should have all off airport operators pay that consistent fee.

  2. Steve…

    That’s not the point. We’ve been paying for 6 years.. New operators are not and the PA can do nothing about it..

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