Oh, Canada


Oh, Canada

It’s a great country. I spent the weekend visiting my buddies at the Canadian Parking Association. Unfortunately due to scheduling problems I was unable to play golf, however the foursome that became a threesome due to my absence won the CPA tournament. My loss, their gain.

PT and Parking World were honored to be able to sponsor a meeting and luncheon for representatives from the International Parking Association. The President (Je-Han Kim ) from Korea and the Director General (Robert Lu from Taiwan) led the group. We had a great meeting and I did an interview which will appear in November’s PT. The IPA is a new body, only three years old, but has representatives from Taiwan, China, Korea, Australia, and Canada. There is some issue with the Japanese, but that is soon to be resolved. I was joined in the meeting by Sandra Smith from Whistler, BC, CPA President Gwyn Thomas from the City of Toronto, Dan Ho, from the University of BC, and Richard McCoy from Virginia Tech. The Chinese were smart, they brought a translator. We would have been slowed down a bit without him.

The Canadians, as usual, did a wonderful job. The venue was the Empress hotel in Victoria. Couldn’t have been a better spot. The trade show was sold out, the sessions well attended, and Carole Whitehorne and here staff did just a terrific job.

Kudos all around.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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