I have been notified by the NPA that my numbers below were incorrect. It was probably just a glow of coming off a successful event. It was also ignorance…As I told Marty, I must have missed the news release on the 1200 who attended their show in LA. I was, at the time, swirling in a drug induced simi coma..oh well. As Marty Stein, Executive director of the NPA put it:
It appears that, in your calculations, you neglected to recognize the National Parking Association (NPA) as having a show larger than yours. Last fall in Los Angeles/Hollywood, we had over 1200 registrations and, this year in Las Vegas, we expect to eclipse that number.
Wow – Congratulations to the NPA. Over a thousand folks in Hollywood. Who would have thought it….
Hey, we have no problem being number four. Andy and I are receiving kudos daily on our show in Chicago this week. They come from attendees and vendors. All we want is to expose parking and its intricacies to all parts of the industry, most importantly those who missed the events in Tampa, Hollywood, and upcoming in Dallas.
All the best to both the NPA and the IPI. I hope their future shows are filled to overflowing.
PS. Marty and I like to compare numbers from time to time – it’s a man thing.