Parking and terrorism


Parking and terrorism

The bombings in Boston have shaken all of us. I did not feel the blast, but I feel unsteady just the same. I wonder of this is our new reality – fear at large gatherings, danger in public spaces? We’re all a little jittery, and sad.

In California:

An unattended piece of empty luggage shut down a parking lot at Glendale Community College on Monday morning after the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s bomb squad was called in to investigate.

Read the rest of the article here.

Americans are remarkably resilient and adaptable. The attacks on 9/11 showed us that. The way airplane passengers prevented the fourth plane from reaching its target was astounding. Those people knew what the hijackers were going to do, and armed with that information, they acted. I like to think no American plane will ever be hijacked again.

As for bombs, the shock of the tragedy in Boston will soon wear off for all but those closest to the epicenter. But the rest of us have more information mow. Unattended bags have long been a security concern. How will we treat them now? And in the setting of a parking garage or lot, how will suspicious bags and packages be treated?

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. Or cars parked in “Long Stay” car parks? (which won’t be detected as a problem for some time).

    Or cars at under-stadium or public area parks? etc

    Tis a scary place out there.

  2. Terrorism, as an unfortunate means to an unfulfilled ends, will most likely reach everyone in the coming years. As parking professionals we must be aware of this phenomena, and for which I recommend the First Observer Program which I took through the NPA as a webinar. This program will help you understand terrorism and how to spot it’s potential in your facility and general travels.

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