I went to lunch yesterday at Century City here in LA. The "Westfield" shopping center is newly refurbished and great. So is the parking. I have no clue who manufactured the guidance system (but I have a couple of news releases that will probably tell me) but its fantastic.
When you drive in there is a board with arrows and numbers telling you just how many spaces are available in which direction. As you drive through you see rows of lights down the aisles, one over each space. If its red, the space is full, green the space is empty. There may be only one green light, but who cares, if you are the lead car, you will get the space. I love it. You take much less time to park, particularly if the garage is nearing full, and according to those who know, it actually increases the mall income, because folks spend more time in the mall, and less time in the garage.
The system appeared to work perfectly and this driver loved it. I’m sure it cost a bundle, but frankly, its soooo worth it.
3 Responses
They have this at the Baltimore Airport too. It’s great. I think the technology was developed under a DOT grant.
Portland International Airport has a single space parking guidance system in the short-term garage. The system in the shopping mall in Century City was installed by ParkAssist (I believe).
Westfield just installed 4,500 Single Space Detectors and related changeable LED signage at their new mega mall in London. The system was provided by one of our Sister Companies.