Parking Meters Working in Ventura


Parking Meters Working in Ventura

We are getting mixed messages from the media in Ventura, CA, a city an hour North of Los Angeles. A year ago they installed metered parking in an area of the central city that had no meters before. The foes of the project have been vocal. Read about it here.

It appears that this article may be so much media hype. Note that there are only two merchants quoted, and you have to get to the 14th graph of the story to get this quote:

David Armstrong, board chairman of the Downtown Ventura Partners, a business improvement district, said a majority of merchants and property owners support the paid parking program, particularly with the tweaks.

The headline, too, is misleading ‘Parking Meter Changes Fail to Mollify Merchants.” I can understand that, the headline writer didn’t read the article, just the first two paragraphs.


Here is a news release from the Downtown Ventura Partners. I will post it in its entirety since it seems the local press can’t find its way clear to print it:


Downtown Merchants Support the Parking Meters!


Downtown Ventura, May 5, 2011 – The overwhelming consensus downtown is that the

meters are working! Downtown business owners were interviewed and business surveys

were conducted over the past two weeks along Main Street in downtown Ventura. The

downtown merchants gave the managed parking system a thumbs up with 83% surveyed in

support of the meters, 13% neutral, and 4% not in support the meters.


“Ask most downtown owners and they support the meters because they channel those dollars

directly into maintaining a secure and clean downtown. Unfortunately, a select few are

creating a lot of negative noise against what is really a good thing for downtown. We do ask

our customers and I would say 99% are positive about the meters and the overall downtown.”

stated Chuck Menzel, Owner of Wetsand, 446 East Main Street.


Restaurateurs support the meters too. “I like the meters; they’re good for downtown and the

customers love it! I never have any complaints. People like to park close to the restaurant. The

meters have also brought additional security downtown. All great cities have parking meters.

This is a good indication that Ventura’s downtown is growing in the right direction.” stated

Ubaldo Foschoi, Sicily Pizzeria & Trattoria, 563 East Main Street.


The meters provide a managed approach to parking downtown. Employees and merchants

are no longer parking in prime spaces, thereby freeing up these spaces for customers. Now,

shoppers, diners and visitors can quickly find a place to park that’s close to their destination.

Only 318 of the total 2,915 public parking spaces downtown are metered. There are 48 free

green parking stalls conveniently located for quick errands under 24-minutes and 34 free

yellow loading zone spaces to be used for deliveries and pickup of materials and goods (20

minute limit).


In addition, the revenue generated from the meters is being reinvested into the downtown.

The funds help pay for a dedicated police officer and nine police cadets. This has resulted in an

overall decrease in crime by 40% and a 15% decrease in calls for service. Funds are also used

for new improvements like additional lighting for parking lots, new planters and plant

materials, and a cross-the-street banner planned for installation this summer.


Free Wi-Fi is yet another benefit made possible by the meters. Residents and visitors can stay

“connected” through the outdoor network provided by the Downtown Parking Management



The Downtown Parking Management Plan and the Downtown Specific Plan were adopted in

2007 after extensive outreach with the support of the Downtown Ventura

Partners/Organization DVP/DVO, the elected body that represents property owners and

merchants. The DVO/DVP board, made up of 21 downtown business owners and property

owners, voted unanimously at their recent board meeting in support of the meters because of

their positive effect on managing the parking problems as well as funding much-needed



Don Shoup was full of praise to Consultant Nelson Nygaard who authored the parking plan:


Congratulations on the great success of Ventura’s parking benefit district!  Using the meter revenue to provide free Wi-Fi for everyone in the district, including all the residents and visitors, is a brilliant way to show the good side of parking meters.


It is interesting that they are promoting the fact that they are using the money for an additional police patrol and free wifi for everyone downtown, but failed to mention the fact that they are also getting good, efficient use of their curb parking.


I would guess that the merchants who complain were probably the same ones that parked in front of their stores all day and took spaces from their customers.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. JVH
    I am the Transportation Manager in Ventura and wanted to add that we are getting great improvement on the efficient, effective, and appropriate use of our limited on-street parking spaces. We are, however, still dealing with a small, but very vocal minority who fundamentally oppose the concept of paid parking because they believe it will kill our downtown. The opponents are spreading false information about the level of support. The focus of this release from our partner (DVO/DVP) was intended to address this specific issue.
    You are also very correct about merchants parking in front of their business, or at least their neighboring business. Surveys we conducted a couple of years ago leading up to the implementation showed that 38% of the businesses we recieved responses from parked on our Main Street.
    Tom Mericle
    Transportation Manager
    City of Ventura

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