Parking Operation asks Users how to Improve its System


Parking Operation asks Users how to Improve its System

In an ingenious approach to a strange problem, National Car Parks, (NCP) based in Milton Keynes, is asking its customers why they get so many tickets for paying at the wrong pay machines. According to the article on, there are several parking operations in close proximity in the town, and users are frequently ticketed because they park in one operation, but mistakenly pay for parking at the other operation.

The spokesperson added: “NCP is working hard to address the problems that can occur when you have two separate car parks located in the same area, run by different companies, and we totally understand it may be very confusing to a first time parker at Milton Keynes.

In my mind, there are two issues to address. One is brand awareness. If parkers don’t even notice the there are two different parking operations, neither one is doing a good job of promoting its brand. Logos, advertising, slogans, and even mascots are great tools for differentiating your business from another. Second, signage has to be foolproof. Imagine you are directing a heard of kindergarteners and you’ve got the right level. Not because people are dumb, by any means, but because they are busy and distracted.

NCP says it has lots of sign up and the pavement is painted with directions to pay machines, but if lots of people are paying the wrong machine, the signs are not enough. Asking customers to identify the cause of their confusion is a smart first step.

Read the article here.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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