Wanda found the actual video of the LA parking officers and the porno actress. You can see it on our Facebook page – here. Scroll down a bit — After seeing it, I wonder what all the kerfuffle is all about. This is pretty soft core. R rated. You see more skin in most R rated movies. – Let me know what you think. And yes, they should be reprimanded (I understand they are now on Admin Leave, probably until everyone in the LA government can review the video.) This could all have been avoided if the parking department took appropriate action when they learned about this in February. In the news report, everyone seems to be running for the hills.
5 Responses
Given our lawsuit happy society, if they were not 100% sure who they were, call it “actionable intelligence”( people love that phrase right now!), there is no way they could discipline them. I am not saying I believe that, but a still photo and the faces blurred out may not have met an acceptable level of proof in the eyes of the beholder.
2nd thing….you were joking about wondering “what allthe kerfuffle is about…right? You wouldnt fire these kinds on the spot if you saw this?
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie — That’s the problems, isn’t it. My guess is that they all knew who these guys were in February. Action should have been taken then. Because it wasn’t, we are now surrounded by videos, city officials heading for cover, and a first rate PR mess.
from LA Weekly….Sedadi says his department knew about the porn shenanigans all along but couldn’t ID the pair….”Photos of what appeared to be LADOT officers engaged in misconduct were provided anonymously to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and forwarded to our(LADOT) offices earlier this year. The still photos contained blurred faces and did not contain any identifiable information regarding the individuals, or the source of the photos. In fact, the photos contained faces and vehicle numbers that were all completely blurred beyond recognition.”
Did he drop the ball by saying that he never saw the memo because he gets hundreds of them…yes…..but again, you have to make sure you have evidence that will hold up in court when it comes to dismissing employees.
Knowing who they are and being able to prove it are 2 different things.
Sheesh, Charlie — Of course they knew who it was. Could they prove it, probably not. However they had enough info (listen to the head of parking) to take action (counseling,admin leave, and of course they could have sent around memos about being on porno shoots. Everyone would have known who it was. They probably won’t be dismissed for the reasons you state, but they could have been put on notice, even if they weren’t named. JVH