Patrick Ryan Resigns


Patrick Ryan Resigns

Patrick Ryan of Reino called yesterday afternoon to let me know that he had resigned his position with the company and was leaving the parking industry. Although his CEO Roger Price had tried most everything to get him to stay with the company, Patrick told me that he just felt it was time.

"I’ve spent a third of my life with Reino and now, with the combination with Enforcement Technology and Roger’s strong leadership, it seemed like a good time to look at what the world has to offer." He also added that he, his wife and two children love the Bay area and didn’t look forward to the move to Southern California. "The combining of ET and Reino under one roof is absolutely the right thing to do. The move for us was only part of the decision, but certainly a factor."

He said that this was his decision and that the company dearly wanted him to stay.

The parking industry owes this Aussie a lot. He brought the multi-space (or multi-bay as he would say) parking meter philosophy to the US. When he started here six or so years ago, on street multi space meters were in their infancy. His approach was not to sell his Reino units, but to sell the entire philosophy of using multi space meters. This helped not only Reino become established, but also the entire onstreet multispace industry. That part of the industry owes him a lot. He will be missed.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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