The local press is having a field day in Philadelphia. Seems the Parking Authority is bloated, full of patronage, and paying six figure salaries to many of its managers. Read all about it here.
The Republicans took over the authority after claiming that the Democrats had done exactly the same thing. And they most likely had.
According to my spies in the city of Brotherly Love, the parking Authority is supposed to provide funding to local schools but when the schools asked for a $20 million check, but there seemed to be a bit less in the bank, but considerably more in gross income.
Look, Andrew Jackson was the master of the spoils system and his excesses led to civil service. Now don’t get me wrong, civil service has its faults, but at least the playing field starts with some modicum of level.
Just hiring someone because they can get you elected or because they are your brother in law is of course "wrong" but it goes on every day, at least, it appears in the parking authority in Philadelphia.
Income up, expenses up more. Every person in business knows that your can gross more money by simply throwing money at a problem. However, in the end, its whats left over that counts.
I guess the question that should be asked is: Is the parking situation in Philadelphia better today that it was say five years ago. If so, maybe the system in place works. I think, however, we all know the answer.
Holding people responsible is the only way to solve any problem, in business…or government