Philadelphia Parking Hog Making Neighbors Crazy


Philadelphia Parking Hog Making Neighbors Crazy

I knew “savesies” was a thing during winter months, but somebody in Philadelphia takes it pretty seriously year round, according to After 7 or 8 years of illegally saving his parking spot using chairs, trash cans and other items, the unnamed resident of the 2200-block of E. Susquehanna in Fishtown has enough tickets to require a lien on his house, say police.

As our tipster, who shall remain anonymous, explained, “Every single person within a couple blocks knows it. We all complain about it constantly.”

If people are resorting to extreme measures like these, it’s clear there is a parking problem in the neighborhood. It’s also clear Mr. Unnamed is a pretty large jerk. He’s gone so far that neighbors take down his “savesies” items just to be mean and others give away his saved spot to other people just for fun. There’s nothing clear in the article about whether Mr. Unnamed has a vicious or vengeful streak, so maybe no one has fears of repercussion for these acts. But it was stated that he has made comments about his ability to control the police and deal with neighbors who complain about his practices.

“A week or two later,” said our tipster, “and the guy that does this said, ‘So do you have a problem with my cones?’ He said, ‘Listen, I took care of the cops. I’ll take care of you, too.’”

I’m curious if the neighbors who complain constantly would rather spend their time applying for parking permits. isn’t a real news site, so it can quote anonymous sources and call them tipsters. It also quotes “the police’ without offering any names so as far as I can tell it’s an article about nobody instigated by nobody and conformed by nobody – though still interesting.

There are enough parking shenanigans going on in the area that the website has a page called The Week in Parking. Possibly a good read for anyone working in parking in that area because without the constraints of ethical journalism standards, Billypen is like the TMZ of parking in Philadelphia. That said, I only read the one article.

Visit’s Week in Parking page here.  According to its website: “Billy Penn is a mobile-first platform designed to connect citizens to relevant news and information about Philadelphia, and to drive civic engagement via affinity groups and events.”

Read the article and see photos here.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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