Yes — Phoenix Sky Harbor airport is managing demand for parking. Read about it here.
They are using the free market, kinda, to solve their parking problems. They are raising prices which should lower demand.
Seems sensible. The concern always is "but if you raise prices people will go elsewhere." That simply isn’t the case, and particularly so at an airport. If they are going to fly, they are going to use the airport.
There are many other ways of getting to an airport beside driving yourself….and other places to park. By increasing rates, the airport will cause many of its parkers to take a look at alternatives. They will maintain their income stream whilst and at the same time enticing customers to look at alternative ways of parking or getting there.
There are vans, taxis, car pools, buses, limousines (probably less money than parking for a week at $20 a day) and the like. Plus there are off airport parking areas, to my mind more convenient than parking in that huge structure and having to schlep all the way to your gate.
Way to go Phoenix. I’ll bet you’ll be moving on another rate hike soon.