PIE 2018 WOW!!!


PIE 2018 WOW!!!

We still have a day to go, but the returns so far tell me that this has been the best PIE evah, darlink.

There is always the fear that people will tell me what I want to hear, but exhibitors and attendees alike are gushing. And they should know.

Perhaps the most heartwarming comments came from an exhibitor who told me that he was most impressed by our staff.  “They are everywhere, they are helpful, but most of all, I know who they are. What do you do to train them so well?”  Actually, we do nothing. Its just who they are. I am so proud of them. They work hard so exhibitor and attendee alike have a great event.

Two little things happened that told me PIE has come of age.

There was a contract signed on the floor. Mobile Now and the city of Allentown inked an agreement on the floor – our cameras where there and recorded the event. This is the first time for such an event. Also, Passport held an after hours party. Up until now the vendors didn’t feel PIE was large enough for them to host such an event.

Thanks to both for their trust in the Parking Industry Exhibition.

Something different is just around the corner at PIE. We hosted a whisky tasting where colleagues met over single malt and talked and laughed until they turned off the lights. Our “Death by Parking” party saw craps tables, a 50s-60s theme, and contests based on my characters in “Death.” I was honored to be able to sign many copies of the book.

Tomorrow we will sign off with a day of Smart Parking and Smart Cities. Thanks to all.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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