The Registrations for PIE 2016 in Las Vegas is running ahead of the record 1086 attendees for four weeks ahead of opening day. Eric tells me its time to cut down on my consumption of adult beverages and relax, that attendees are signing up in droves.
People in the trade show business know its a fact. Attendees make up their minds to come early, but actually sign up at the last minute. This causes huge problems for the organizers as they don’t know how to prepare, how much food to order, how many chairs to put in the seminar rooms. But it is a fact of life in the expo biz.
We are extremely happy with the current results. It shows that PIE 2016 will be, as advertised, the largest and best attended PIE in history. Sign up now and get your room.– the room block with the guaranteed low rate of $114 ends next Wednesday. Go to to register.