Privacy – Is it Important?


Privacy – Is it Important?

At this point I would usually add the comment ‘fair enough.’  But is it?

A good definition of privacy from “”

Privacy is a fundamental human right that underpins freedom of association, thought and expression, as well as freedom from discrimination. But it’s hard to define. Different countries offer different views, as do individuals. Generally speaking, privacy includes the right: to be free from interference and intrusion.

Have you ever gone on line after a shopping trip and checked your credit card activity? You can learn some interesting things about your life. Things like when and where you shopped, how much you spent, and in some cases, what you bought.

Have you ever wondered why after you bought your tickets to New Orleans to attend the NPA show, ads for hotels, restaurants, and events in the Big Easy suddenly began popping up on your search pages? The information about what you bought and where you are going is golden to potential advertisers.

The argument you hear is “well, JVH, if you have nothing to hide, why do you care that ‘people’ know where you go, what you buy, where you eat. Are you trying to keep something from ‘us’.

Frankly, yes, I am trying to keep something from you. It is none of your business where I go, what I buy, where I eat, how much I spend. I like to keep my life to myself. Private. Maybe I went to get a massage. Maybe the therapist was located in an area some might consider less than perfect. Suddenly JVH is visiting places that might have a less than stellar reputation. Of course no one knows that I have a bad back, or am attempting to get my body back in shape after a bout of illness. It’s none of your business.

The amount of money I have in the bank could be problematic to some. How did I accrue such a large balance. And some of it came in all at once. Hmmmmm What is JVH up to? Where did he get all that money. He must have some sideline we don’t know about. What you don’t know, and is none of your business, is that my great uncle Charlie died and left me a couple of bucks. Keeping that information from you is called ‘privacy.’

Although HIPPA rules restrict what information can be given out by doctors, hospitals, and other health care professionals, checking my credit cards and how much I spend on prescriptions can be very revealing. Regular trips to the drug store could indicate a serious health problem but could also indicate that a serious health problem was completely under control. In either case, it’s none of your business.

If I want to protect my privacy by using cash, why shouldn’t I be able to. Granted it isn’t as convenient to merchants and banks if I look askance at a credit card and whip out a roll of 20s, it does keep information private.

Some may want to keep their information private for no other reason than they prefer that the world not know their business. If making it more difficult for the government to enforce laws or for the financial community to do their business makes our lives more private, I say so be it.

It’s your choice. You should be able to make it. Some may not care that their information is broadcast from the rooftops. Super. Just don’t place your preferences on everyone. Unfortunately few care about their privacy until its violated. Then, its too late.


Picture of Team BRIZZO


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