Craig Bagdon will be heading to Australia for their show in November – he has a new dealer there and is selling his wares to good reviews down under.
Mark Curtis and the gang at Parking Zone were dressed well this year and Mark is sporting a neatly trimmed beard and looks very CEO. His company now sells items branded by Gorillas and Penguins. I’m thinking that maybe the Zone should consider a name change, one that had more of an “animal” flair.
One booth misfired with their set up and found that the name of their company was completely left off the large presentation. The staff in the booth pleaded with me not to mention its name so their boss, who was not in attendance, wouldn’t find out.
I learned that you can “rent” light for your garage. Go Green, no investment. Rent LED lights using the money you save on electricity. Seems like a good business model to me – Rentalite
Clyde Wilson flew his own plane to Boston. He had to run out after his presentation to the group and move to another airport. They notifyed him that they were closing the airport where he was on Wednesday and if he wanted to leave that day, he was out of luck. He dashed over, turned in his rent a car, few his plane ten minutes to a nearby airport, rented another car, and was back for the end of the first day of exhibits.
Ruth Beaman, Jerry Skilette, and I spent a fun half hour talking about Facebook. No not the kind that companies use to promote their wares, but the problems we all have with our children and grand children telling the family secrets on the ‘net. Ruth did mention in passing that she and Kyle had signed up a bakers dozen new clients this past year for Integrapark.
Did you know that LED lighting is affected by where the power supply for the light is located? If head generated by the power supply is near the LEDs, the life expectancy of the little suckers can be reduced.
Lee Shorts is back, handsome gray hair and all, as Sales Manager for Zeag USA. I was happy to see him working a booth, selling what he knows best. Lee was the first person to recommend to me to begin PT. We discussed it at an IPI convention in Quebec City, way back when.
Toledo Ticket did have the most impressive booth in the place. It was the size of Montana and was complete with comfortable sofas and a margarita bar. Tom told me that you paid $10 and got a margarita. All the proceeds went to the NPA’s scholarship charity. The company’s celebration wound down the years recognition of its 100th anniversary.
Claudine over at IPS was singing the praises of their credit card parking meter and telling me of installations all over the place including SF, LA, BH, and many more. She was showing off their installation just begun here in Boston in the Cambridge area.
Enough for now – I have to run, the show opens soon