Rain, rain, and more rain


Rain, rain, and more rain

If you are following the news, you know that LA is being hit with a series of wet winter storms. The problem is that we had fires in our watershed last summer and now there is nothing there to hold the topsoil that the rains are turning into mud. It is now sliding down the hillsides and folks with homes near the hills are at risk.

It’s ironic. They live in a beautiful area with fantastic views. However Mother Nature throws everything it can at them. First they can be burned out, then they can be shaken out with earthquakes, then they can be flooded out. One would think they would learn.

We are fortunate to have a house that is literally on high ground in our neighborhood – at its lowest point, out lot is three feet above the street. Water runs out but no water runs in. We are also about 30 miles from the areas with the mud. We are, however about six blocks from an earthquake fault that runs roughly up the San Diego Freeway. I have used a lot of museum wax to hold down glass objects.

It is raining and has been most of the day – this is the second of four storms. Another will hit tomorrow but the big one, supposedly with rain of biblical proportions is to hit Thursday night and Friday. These first rains have filled the soil with water. The big one will simply run off, and move a lot of that mud with it.

I love nature and storms, but it’s sad that people build their houses where nature likes to put river beds, yeah, and earthquake faults.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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