Residential Permits and Trail Head Parking


Residential Permits and Trail Head Parking

Over on our Facebook Page Wanda has railed about parkers hiking in Hollywood’s Runyon Canyon using Handicapped placards to get around a residential permit program near the trail head. Astrid has written about the issue in May’s PT. Now it seems that Riverside, CA is going to head down that path with a similar program near a popular hiking area. Reader Michael sent in the link.

The new Riverside ordinance specifies that handicapped placards will allow folks to park in the neighborhood. My guess is that weekends will see a lot of disabled parking in the area.

These are issues for popular trail heads that are in residential areas. For Runyon Canyon there are tons of parking lots in nearby Hollywood. If I was an entrepreneur in the area, I would set up a shuttle service between a lot in Hollywood and the trail head. I’ll bet you would three or four hundred parkers willing to pay $5 or more each weekend day. Run the shuttle every 10 minutes. You could fill some empty spaces and make a buck or two.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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