Selfish Parkers Fined in England


Selfish Parkers Fined in England

In the West Midlands area of England, a parking authorities serving railway and metro stations are cracking down on “selfish” parkers. It’s a surprising, yet refreshing, approach to parking enforcement, and I like it. According to, rude individuals are having a negative effect on more thoughtful motorists, and they will be punished for it. Fines of 100 pounds will be imposed on those who park “poorly,” whether they cross the lines of parking stalls, creep onto sidewalks or double park.

Councillor Roger Horton, Centro lead member for rail and Metro said: “Incorrectly parked vehicles have seen other motorists blocked in for hours at a time, while pedestrians are put at risk because of cars parked on pavements.

“Then there are emergency service vehicles that may need to access the station being obstructed by badly parked cars. This cannot be allowed to continue.

“Park and Ride has been a real success story in the West Midlands. We want that to continue and a selfish or thoughtless minority cannot be allowed to undermine it.”

You never hear of people being fined for selfishness, though many could use a thump on the head for their narcissistic tendencies. You could just as easily say the fines would be issued for breaking parking lot rules or local parking laws, but sometimes it’s nice to hear a spade called a spade.

Read the rest of the article here.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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