Seven Days without a Blog and Pay by Cell in London.


Seven Days without a Blog and Pay by Cell in London.

Well, whine whine whine, I was traveling. And of course there was no wifi (lie) where I was staying so I couldn’t blog.

The reality –I was just lazy.  I was in the UK and The Netherlands on PT Business. I met with our foreign correspondent, Peter Guest, some of the organizers of massive trade shows in Amsterdam, and Ian Betts, consultant and on line guru in the UK. Most of the meetings were over lunch and frankly, my waist line was a bit the worse for wear.

Weather was horrible, typical British winter — cold, rainy, and miserable.  So the goal was to stay in, keep warm, and read a lot.

Oh I did notice that Pay by Cell Phone is expanding in London. I stay in a B and B near Regents Park and as I walked down to Marleybone High Street for some tea and crumpets, I noted a sign advertising the ability to pay by cell phone. The interesting thing was that the sign was cardboard, obviously temporary.

The usage of this payment technique is spreading so rapidly in London that they can’t manufacture permanent signs fast enough.

I returned the day after a 777 slid into Heathrow airport.  It lost power about 2 miles from the runway and came up about a click short in a plowed field. I think all the injuries were people jumping off into the slides.   They were minor.  However, I did note that my AA flight was a triple seven. Obviously Boeing didn’t think the problem was theirs.  So far, they appear to be right.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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