Phoenix Sky Harbor airport is raising parking prices about 60% on long term parking and $25% on short term parking. That from $5 to $8 a day in long term and from $16-$20 in Short term. Read about it here.
The problem is that the more than 21,000 spaces at the airport aren’t enough. The lots are filling, and have actually been completely full a number of times this year. So the airport is doing the right thing, raise prices.
We will see what is going to happen. My guess. A number of people will begin rethinking their transportation to the airport and begin to look for alternatives. They will take the shuttle, or, use one of the number of off airport parking companies. If they fill, they will do the same and raise prices. Should the parking crunch continue, the free market will work, and more parking will become available.
The fact is that its not up to the airport to provide all the parking needed for its customers. There are plenty of alternatives for people going to the airport if they don’t want to pay the fee. Frankly I have always felt that parking off airport and taking a shuttle is much preferable to parking close in and walking half a mile dragging your suitcase.
The shuttle drops you off right up front, as close as you can get to you gate, and returns you to your car. What more can you ask. And usually its about half the cost of the close in "convenient" parking supplied by the airport.
Remember, most off airport parking facilities price themselves to compete with the economy lots, even though they offer considerably better service.
Go Phoenix. Get out of the subsidized parking business.