Sorry, flying to New Zealand or Australia from LA is a long pull, any way you look at it. The planes leave at midnight (to arrive around 8 in the AM here). So you are up all day before the flight. Then you have 12 hours on the plane to NZ, 14 to Australia. If you are like me, you can’t sleep very well sitting on the plane and the time you do sleep doesn’t really count
Then you arrive here just in time for breakfast and the start of the day. You spend the day and then about 5 (now) you are knackered. I am trying to stay up a couple of more hours so I won’t be up at 1 AM, but I don’t know if I can make it. No more blogging today – I’ll be back on line tomorrow, somewhere out where the Lord of the Rings is lurking. Did Frodo have trouble parking in Middle Earth? I’ll let you know.