Some Gentle Prodding


Some Gentle Prodding

I read with interest that the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport has received the IPI award for Innovation. Congrats to the MSP operation. They are featuring credit card in /out (CCIO)and it seems that it is popular with both the airport and patrons. Saves money, increases efficiency.

What interested me most was the fact that the news release on this little award came from the Airport, Not the IPI.  I may be mistaken, but based on this News release on the business wire, the PR group for the airport was doing its job.  Those of us in the Parking Industry were not.

This is a perfect feel good story that can make the industry look good, and should be promoted NOT ONLY in places like this, or on the IPI web site or in the Parking Professional, but also in the main stream media.

This promotion is free and could generate interest not only in the twin cities area, but also in areas where parking at airports is an issue (MSP can do it, why can’t we), and will be used in a lot of smaller daily papers as filler. 

I also noted in the release that the IPI offers these awards to its rather limited membership (Cities, Universities, Hospitals, Airports, Theme parks). By the way, CCIO is becoming relatively common among airports, and commercial parking operations. The news release is right. Its convenient, easy, and attractive to parkers.

Good choice for the IPI selection. However, lets not hide our light under a bushel. Tell the world.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. Just found your blog – good work John, please keep it up.
    We have had the good fortune of some great PR lately. USA Today did an article on our installation at UCSB with Verrus and it has been picked up all over the country by various news papers. It hasn’t resulted in any direct sales yet, but like you say above, it is a feel good story and hopefully helps the profile of the industry overall.

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