I guess I’m trying to catch up on the blogging after erratic stuff last week. But my time in the airports of LA, London, Birmingham, and Amsterdam plus the bit below about the Parking Spot brought this to mind.
The best possible marketing an off airport operator can do is keep their vans running, full or empty.
When I stand on the curb and watch five vans from Wally Park go by while I’m waiting for my Park One van, (just an example, no diss intended for WP or PO), next time I will go to Wally Park.
I had a friend, (senior moment prevents his name from being listed here) who owned some off airport locations in the mid west. He ran his vans every six minutes, more often if there was someone waiting. He told me that the only cost was gasoline but the PR he got filled his lot.
I believe it.
If you have just gotten off a 12 hour flight, the last thing you want to do is stand on the street and watch fifteen vans go by while waiting for yours. I know it seems strange, but waiting that extra five minutes is an eternity after sitting on a place for half a day or more.
OK you off airport managers, try it. When the boss complains about the fuel bill, point out the increase in your revenue. You might also increase your day rates a bit (just enough to cover the gas. The extra publicity and exposure will greatly offset any business lost by the increase in price.
Service is all you have to sell. People are willing to pay for it.