Is it hot out there where you are…We are breaking records here. However, just by a few degrees. One of the differences we feel here by the ocean is that it is more humid than usual.
As for it being hot — its hot every year. It was 119 in Woodland Hills. Sheesh — Yes, that’s hot, however, I’m sure that if you looked back last year it was 110 in Woodland hills a lot. Maybe even 112, or 113. Newspapers want us to know we sat a record. OK, fine. But hot it HOT. And its summer.
The electric company wants us to know that they are producing gigawatts of power. Yep — But if you remember, those same stories were there last year, just with a slightly different number. and the year before.
Its supposed to be hot in the summer. When I was a kid and there was no such thing as AC, we just were hot. period.