Standard Sues Former Partner


Standard Sues Former Partner

Standard Parking is suing its former partner in Rochester.  Read the article here.

I think it goes like this:

Standard partnered for years with Mapco Auto Parks Ltd to run the Rochester Airport Parking Operation. This year, with the contract coming up, Mapco told Standard they didn’t want to partner any more. So Standard when ahead and bid the job on their own, along with Ampco System, and Central. Ampco was low bid (or high bid, depending on how the contract was written).  However my guess is that Standard was a bit surprised to find Mapco bidding, and winning the bid.

Standard opines that Mapco, being local and connected, worked inside the system and received the award. (It was voted by the commissioners right along party lines. Well, that seems strange or does it…)  They are also concerned the Mapco used confidential information in formulating their bid since they had told Standard they weren’t bidding.

I can see Standard’s point. However since Ampco was the low/high bid and if Standard can get Mapco thrown out, and the bidding opened again, my guess is that the last company the local transportation board will select will be Standard.

They may get a pound of flesh from their former partners, but I can’t see how they will get the deal at the airport.

I have a call in to Standard and will update when I hear anything


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. John,
    Standard Parking does this in Chicago. It sounds to like Standard was beaten at their own game.
    They have all of the City contracts,so I see this as a slap in the face to Standard Parking to say we have the contactat and not you Standard.

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