Strike in Pittsburgh


Strike in Pittsburgh

I just have to comment on this. The parking attendants union has gone out on strike in Pittsburgh. They want more money, and more flexibility in their work hours, and a guaranteed job. Yep –if an operator loses a location to another operator, they want their jobs guaranteed across the two companies.

The operators, including the Pittsburgh Parking Authority and the largest private operator, Alco, seem to think that they should be able to ask a cashier to answer phones in the office or maybe, dare I say it, sweep a floor. They think that they should be able to charge the folks 10% of the cost of their health insurance. Outrageous.

This is going to get political fast, since the Head of the PPA is the Mayor’s Brother and the Owner of Alco is looking for approval on some gaming operations. However, it will be fun to watch. In the mean time, the lots are full, the operators are running with management crews and training temps.

From what I know about running garages, that shouldn’t take too long. I wonder if the Union realized that running a cashier terminal isn’t the same as running, say, the control board at a Nuclear Power Plant.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. Actually, the head of the PPA is the brother of the Allegheny County Executive. In addition, the City Council has taken the side of the teamsters and accused Alco, PPA and 8 other operators of union busting. How could we all be so horrible to force these poor teamsters making $13/hour contribute to their H&W like the zillions of other businesses in America…or the City of Pittsburgh employees for that matter? Did I mention revenues are up since the teamsters struck on Wednesday? I’m also curious…when the teamsters severed their relationship with the AFLCIO last month, couldn’t THAT be considered union busting?

  2. The previous comments sound like a lot of sour grapes.
    American Jobs keep declining in pay and benefits. These attendants have dead end jobs. Many are dedicated employees with 5 to 35 years of service. I guess the bottom line is everything. Forget about service, showing up for work, dependability.
    These things, I guess shouldn’t be rewarded.
    Futhermore, these people have nowhere to go in the labor market. Why not focus on the parking authority which has more than 30 management positions ($35,000+?yr) for approx 80 employees (meter personell and lot attendants. These are politically appointed jobs. The director is politically appointed and has no background in parking. Merle Stabile is a millionaire who inherited.
    Respectability through inheritance and appointment.
    But go ahead, keep bashing the little guy. If you work for a living, you should want health care and a living wage for every American worker. Quit being so negative.

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