Taking the narrow view


Taking the narrow view

Planners in Bhutan are considering placing parking requirements on apartment buildings as a way to get cars off the streets, at least when they park. You can read the article here.

Here is a situation where planning and policy need to be blended. If parking policy in the capital said that folks had to pay to park their cars on street and it was enforced my guess is that the problem of cars parking and blocking the streets would be greatly reduced. There would be a reason for private business to build garages (there isn’t now since you can park free anywhere on the street).

Also apartment builders would be motivated to build parking and charge for it. Now folks don’t really care about parking since they can park free anywhere. However if it cost to park on street, apartment developers would build spaces to attract tenants and could either include the cost of the space in the rent, or could rent the spaces separately to those that need them.

Many problems would be solved – crowded on street parking, not enough parking, cruising looking for parking, and the development of parking garages.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. nly problem with this design is it still needs a runway, which makes it unsuitable for use as a real commuter. I have been working on my own design which does not require a runway, as it is helicopter based, using my own rotor blade design.

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