Taxing Taxes, the IPI and NPA


Taxing Taxes, the IPI and NPA

In British Columbia, the local government has instituted a 21% tax on parking. This also triggered a General Sales Tax on both the parking and the 21% Provincial Sales Tax. Giving one a total of 27.05% tax on parking. That may be a tad on the high side, but we see 15% and 20% taxes on parking pretty much across the board.

I was talking to someone the other day about the possibilities of the IPI and NPA joining forces and was told in no uncertain terms that this parking tax issue was a big one between the two groups.The NPA would be opposed to parking taxes, and the municipal members of the IPI would be the ones that would be tasked with imposing the tax on the parking owners .

My comment was that I knew many municipal parking folks who weren’t too happy with being forced to collect this tax, since it didn’t go into the parking program, but usually just disappeared into the general fund. However I could see where the two groups might be on different sides of the same issue in this, and in perhaps other similar cases.

Nevertheless, the idea of taxing taxes is ludicrous.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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