Technology is only as smart as its creators, installers and users


Technology is only as smart as its creators, installers and users

It’s hard to imagine a place with more parking than the Las Vegas area. Every casino and venue offers parking for millions. I don’t know how there could be parking issues in that city, except maybe the finding of a large gypsy compound tucked into one of the back corners of the Bellagio garage.

But there are parking issues including this technology and equipment blunder. Read more.

In 2012, thousands of tickets issued in City Centre Place office building (not on the strip) were successfully contested. Enforcement officers there had to print a manifest detailing who had paid and who had not, but by the time they finished printing and wrote tickets, parkers had paid. Many tickets were cancelled.

City officials want to make parking easier and write fewer tickets so there are changes in the works including new meters and more payment options.

It doesn’t matter what kind of system you put in place – in any given endeavor – if you don’t walk through the process you’re going to have problems. My question is, how was this issue not foreseen?



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. Your facts are incorrect. There were 4,867 tickets issued in this location, NOT 4,000 cancelled, nor does it say that in the article you are quoting. The actual number of tickets cancelled was 200 in FY12, or 4.1%. That figure was not quoted in the article, and I would appreciate a correction.

    While the new meters showing expired spaces in real time will help us write fewer tickets, the bottom line is that this is an extremely high turnover location inside a parking garage and they aren’t the final answer. There are many delays customers encounter at the courthouse, not least of which is lines to get through security of 100-200 people wrapped around the block.

    Parking meters of any type are not going to solve the problem – it needs to be gated so people can stay as long as they want and pay on the way out. This is in the long term capital plan, however there are several issues preventing us from making this change right now.

    In answer to your question, this wasn’t forseen because before June 2011, Las Vegas had never had a comprehensive parking organization headed up by a parking professional.

  2. Here is what I read and paraphrased incorrectly:

    “Many of the 4,867 citations were overturned due to the technology issues, but Las Vegas officials hope the installation of a new set of meters at the garage and around downtown will lead to fewer bad tickets, and fewer tickets overall, being issued.

    ‘We want to make parking easier so there’s less tickets given out,’ Las Vegas Parking Services Manager Brandy Stanley said.”

    Thanks for pointing out this misinformation – I’m sure the city is doing its best to address its parking challenges for the best of all involved.

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